Qin Sang briefly described what had happened, “The Xin family sought refuge, and I made the Xin family listen to you. There are also two vacant caves of Refining Void cultivators there. You can choose one as your Daoist field.”,The beautiful woman said seriously, “There’s a great upheaval of the Eight Heavenly States. What’s the point of struggling Since I left my master, I’m all alone, like a feather in the wind, adapting to whatever comes. If you have something dangerous to do, Brother Qin, I can lend a hand too. Give me a chance to repay your kindness.”,Qin Sang crushed the jade talisman in his hand and stared intently. He could see Qiongzhe Mountain shrouded in thick fog, with a large formation sealing off the mountain. Cultivators inside were fully armored and hurried about, the atmosphere extremely tense.。