Empress Xie

Empress Xie

classification: Science fiction
update: 15小時前

Speaking of two years, it's not a long time. But for the people in the palace, it's already a generation of new people replacing old ones. Last month, there was a batch of newly selected palace maidens, and this batch has already faded like yesterday's flowers. 。Xie Ning's last time seeing the emperor was when he entered the palace. 。,A powerful eunuch and a low-ranking, unfavored scholar - anyone who isn't stupid knows who has the upper hand. 。Grandmaster Zhou was courteous. 。Xie Ning greeted the guests politely. 。,That's what Qing He said, she said she received the saint's grace. 。To put it simply: the emperor needs to sleep!Qinghe looked at her own talented person's silly appearance and became anxious. Zhou Gonggong is such a big man, how could he be so disrespectfulZhou Bingchen smiled and didn't care at all. Which one in the harem doesn't think day and night about the emperor's favor Once their wishes are fulfilled, their reactions are all kinds of things. Zhou Bingchen has seen more than Xie Cairen who is more out of control, there are also those who talk nonsense, some who faint with joy on the spot, this daze isn't a big deal at all. 。Later, palace maids and Shang Palace will come to dress up and attend to Xie Cairen, explaining how to serve the Emperor. Just follow their instructions, Cairen. 。Xie Ning finally calmed down, Qinghe had already cleverly taken a heavy pouch and respectfully presented it to Zhou Binchen. 。"With even more deference, I'd like to say thank you, Father-in-law, for your constant guidance and care. This is a small token of our appreciation, please don't find it wanting." 。Zhou Binchen certainly wouldn't disdain 。。

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