Rebirth as a Court A

Rebirth as a Court A

author: <Don't belie
classification: Science fiction
update: 4分鐘前

Those who lived an unfulfilling or stifled life in their past, if they were fortunate enough to transmigrate, with the foresight of future events, what bargains wouldn't they seize Of course, they would take advantage of every opportunity, getting whatever wind and rain they desired. They would aim for wealth and status above all else. 。...to be both wealthy and noble, it's almost enough to make one envious. 。Like me, born at such an unfortunate time, I am still nothing at the age of forty. I am a lowly commoner who barely survives by doing odd jobs for others. My heart truly yearns for the chance to travel through time! 。,It is said that worries about wine and worries in the intestines are even more worrying. 。I'm not good with alcohol to begin with, and drinking alone just makes it worse. After two or three beers, I was completely out of it. 。I don't know how I got back to the dormitory. I was dazed and confused. As soon as I entered, I just flopped onto my bed and fell asleep, unconscious. 。,What's the worry You, a seven-year-old kid now, acting like you're a one hundred sixty-pound strongman A big sweet potato like this should be easy enough to hold on to, why worry about getting bumped。

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