However, later on, Chong瀾 went solo and left the mountain, leaving behind everything. He wanted to give up his position as the sect master to Nan Gong. But Chong瀾 didn't expect that the daughter of the sect master had already fallen deeply in love with him and could not bear the pain of being abandoned. She actually... took her own life! After losing his beloved daughter, the sect master was deeply saddened and moved. Once he left the Cloud Sea Sect, he never returned again, his fate unknown.,Lin Feng's heart jolted again upon hearing Old North's narration. He never expected that the sect would have such a secret story, no wonder Renren Yan was so wild, claiming Liu Fei as his woman. No wonder the old lady's personality was peculiar; apparently, there was such a backstory.,"Lifting his steps, Lin Feng turned around and walked towards the first old house with a heavy and firm gait."。